My main research interests are formal and philosophical logic, in particular proof-theoretic semantics. Until now my work has focused on negation, incompatibility, denial and falsity. My next project is on proof-theoretic semantics for modal operators.
I am currently akademischer Oberrat in the Department of Philosophy I at Ruhr Universität Bochum, where I'm affiliated to Heinrich Wansing's Chair of Logic and Epistemology. I received my Habilitation (venia legend in Philosophy) here and was an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow. I am also still affiliated to the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science of the University of Łódź, where I worked as an associate professor of philosophy and senior researcher in Andrzej Indrzejczak's ERC Advanced Grant Project ExtenDD - Coming to Terms. I'm also an honorary research fellow at the Department of Philosophy of University College London. Previously I was employed in the Department of Philosophy at King's College London, where I also studied for my PhD. Before that, I worked at Birkbeck, Sheffield, Canterbury and University College London.
There are a few words about my research and my teaching, the latter rather out of date, but I haven't had the time yet to update it. You can also download some papers I've published and look at the Study Guide: Philosophy of Mind that I wrote for the International Programme of the University of London.
You can also find me on Research Gate, Google Scholar, PhilPapers, UCL Discovery, the King's Research Portal and Polska Bibliografia Naukowa. And of course I have an ORCID page, a Kudos page, a Scopus page, a ResearcherID and a Mendeley profile. Whether any of the latter serve much of a purpose is not yet clear to me.